Monday, July 19, 2010

Summer or not?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Summer is here, since it is already mid June. Though it still doesn't feel like summer, with all the showers and thunders storms pouring tons of water. The only relief is that I don't have to water my rose bush. It is happy with the weather.

Somewhere in the early May, I thought it was already a summer. So confident was I, that I powered washed and cleaned our patio and the barbeque grill. With my ability, it took me whole afternoon to do the power wash. It was too tiring and my hand hurt for 2 days. I now know what Chetan feels. I am sure he is going to do it next year. So to continue, I cleaned the patio and had the plans to grill something the next day, and you know what ? It rained. I was so upset as all the cleaned garden chair were messed up again by the rain water. But thankfully, there were some good weather in May, where I could start our evening barbeques.

Raj and I enjoyed, but we missed Chetan. We patiently waited for his arrival, and he arrived, and with him, the rain arrived too. I can't belive it is mid June, and we still not had a single barbeque evening as a family. All the grilling stuff like corn, mushroom, pineapple, chicken and fish waiting to go on the grill, got cooked quietly in the kitchen.

I still don't see good sunny day coming up in next 5-6 days. Its kind of wait and watch. If it doesn't rain, then I will grill whatever I have. Anything, be it a vegetable, fruit or meat. Everything taste great on the grill. And more than the food, the experience of cooking outdoor with the family, and enjoy the taste of life, is priceless.
Posted by Radha Chetan Raj at 6/17/2009 04:33:00 PM Labels: Articles

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