Friday, July 23, 2010

Vat Pournima

Vata Savitri Pooja
Vatasavitri is a vow observed by married Maharashtrian women. In Mumbai, I have also seen Gujrati women keeping this vow. On this day women fast for the entire day and only eat fruits. They pray for their husband’s long life and prosperity. They tie white thread around Banyan tree or Vada tree and go around the tree seven times holding the thread in their hand, praying. After this they give haldi kumkum and fruits like jambhul, mango, jackfruit slices put together on a banyan leaf to other women.
As a child, I remember eating lots of Jambul and mangoes and it use to always rain on this day.

Back in Mumbai I observed this vrat for few years, now in US, it becomes little difficult with the lifestyle here. Still, I do remember our traditions and hence a small effort to bring it over.

The story is of Savitri who was a pativrata (chaste woman) and her love, admiration and affection towards her husband, Satyawan. It so happened that once Lord Yama (God of Death) comes to take Satyawan away with him. Savitri couldn’t bear the loss and pleads Lord Yama to bring Satyawan back to life. Lord Yama refused and said once dead it cannot be possible to revive. Savitri debated with Lord Yama and the deliberation continued for couple of days. In the end Lord Yama was pleased with Savitri and brought Satyawan back to life.
All this happened under a Banyan or Vad tree which is why Banyan tree is associated with this vrat. Also if you notice, the Banyan has long life and it spread its branches to wide areas and re grows from them. This is symbol of long life and growth.

This vrat or observance fall on full moon in the Hindu lunar calendar month of Jyestha somewhere in June/July. In the year 2008, it falls on June 18th.
(Picture source

Posted by Radha Chetan Raj at 6/18/2008 05:36:00 PM 1 comments Links to this post
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